Friday, November 20, 2009

3 for 3

It was hard to tie up my running shoes this morning. Not sure if it was because of the cold or how sore my hammies were from last night's softball game. Yeah did I mention that we lost by two runs to an undefeated team named beer and tacos? That's substance for a different post. Back to the morning run.

Last week, Christina and I started to wake up a bit early and walk a 2 mile loop. On Saturday, I tried running the loop while Christina was at the grocery store. I tried, meaning that I had to stop and walk twice for lack of breath. On Monday, I ran about a mile of the loop and walked the rest with Christina. Wednesday, I almost made the whole loop but had to stop just short and walk for a few hundred yards. I was really happy when I made the whole loop yesterday without any stops (never mind it took me 25 minutes). Even though it was the hardest morning to get going, Today's run felt the best that I've completed in a while.

Funny story, on the home stretch of this run, you pass by a breakfast joint named Hobie's. Really good coffee cake, okay breakfast. Anyways, the last three mornings, as I ran past the building, there have been two older ladies totally bundled up enjoying their morning conversation. Yesterday morning, one of them commented to the other looking at my smoking hot legs, "wow, he looks really cold". I didn't stop to hear the rest of the conversation.

So, this morning, I decided to wear some thermals. Sure enough as I rounded the corner for the home stretch, there stood my two little friends, to my amazement the same one that mentioned the coldness the day before exclaimed "look at those black leg warmers, he must be warmer today". I chuckled to myself at the thought of my thermals looking like leg warmers. Anyways, it did help considerably.

So, I'm starting a hybrid body-for-life program with more of an emphasis on running than lifting. If your not familiar with body for life, check it out here. The basics are eating 6 nutritious meals instead of 3, and working out everyday for at least 20 minutes. My plan:

Monday: Run
Tuesday: Lift
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Lift
Friday: Short Run
Saturday: Long Run

I'm going to sign up for a half marathon with my brother Joe around the first week of March. Can't wait to see if we can actually make it!

Any advice?

1 comment:

  1. MIKE! i can't believe you never told me you have a blog. this is way to much fun to read! i love that you wear "leg warmers"! do you mind...
